Blood Storage Centre
Home / Center of Excellence / Blood Storage Centre
Blood Products
ABO system
- Consists of three allelic genes - A, B and O
- A and B genes control synthesis of enzymes that add carbohydrate residues to cell surface glycoproteins
- The O gene is an amorph and does not transform the glycoprotein
- Six possible genotypes but only four phenotypes
- Naturally occurring antibodies are found in the serum of those lacking the corresponding antigen.
ABO blood group system
Phenotype |
Genotype |
Antigens |
Antibodies |
Frequency (%) |
O |
OO |
O |
Anti-A, Anti-B |
46 |
A |
AA or AO |
A |
Anti-B |
42 |
B |
BB or BO |
B |
Anti-A |
9 |
AB |
AB |
AB |
None |
3 |
Blood group O = universal donor |
Blood group AB = universal recipient |
Rhesus system
- Rhesus antibodies are immune antibodies requiring exposure during transfusion or pregnancy
- 85% population are rhesus positive
- 90% of Rh-negative patients transfused with Rh-positive blood develop anti-D antibodies
Cross Matching Blood grouping
- Patients red cells grouped for ABO and Rhesus antigens
- Serum tested to confirm patients ABO group
Antibody screening
- Detects atypical red cell antibodies in recipients serum
Cross matching
- Tests donor red cells against patients serum
Blood products
- Whole blood
- Packed red cells
- Granulocyte concentrates
- Platelet concentrates
- Human plasma - fresh frozen plasma / freeze-dried plasma
- Plasma protein fraction
- Human albumin 25%
- Cryoprecipitate
- Clotting factors - Factor VIII / IX
- Immunoglobulin